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Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting Course

Restful sleep for you and your little one without sacrificing closeness and connection


sleep restfully and restoratively?

wake up less at night?

be securely attached?

feel a deep sense of relaxation?


have more restful sleep?

feel even more connected with your little one?

implement a parenting paradigm based on both attachment theory and trauma healing?

listen lovingly to your baby or child's feelings so they can release stress and heal from trauma and feel more deeply relaxed?

really understand your baby or child's innate relaxation response so you can help them sleep more peacefully?


and I'm here to help!

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Have you been searching for a different understanding of sleep? Or maybe you've been practicing Aware Parenting for some time and would like to deepen your understanding and practice in relation to sleep?


Are you desperate for more sleep, yet don't want to leave your baby or child alone with their needs and feelings? Are you longing to find another way instead of putting up with frequent night waking?

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You don't need to choose between connection and sleep! It really is possible to have both connection and sleep, with Aware Parenting - it's the third way with sleep!


You don't need to put up with years of frequent night waking, and you don't need to sacrifice secure attachment! Nor do you need to resort to 'self-setting' or 'controlled crying'. (And if you have done either of those, you can help your baby or child heal from those experiences with Aware Parenting).

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Babies and children are born with an innate healing and relaxation response. One part of that response is laughter and play. This means I'll be inviting you to join in with your child when they get playful before bed!


The other part of that relaxation response is crying and raging - always with our loving support. This is how babies and children heal from stress and trauma, by moving out of flight / flight / freeze and into homeostasis. This is how they feel more relaxed, by our listening to them. For babies, that means always holding them whilst they express their feelings. This is called 'crying-in-arms.'

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If you're not getting enough sleep and you're feeling exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed or powerless (or any other feeling!) I'm sending you so much love and compassion.

I wonder if you feel some relief, hearing that it really is possible to have both sleep and secure attachment for your baby or child?

There really is a third approach to sleep for babies and children.

You don't need to put up with years of frequent night-waking, thinking that it's the only option if you aren't going to sacrifice secure attachment.

Nor do you need to resort to leaving your baby to 'self-soothe,' to giving them a dummy or pacifier to go to sleep, or to using 'controlled crying' or 'cry-it-out', thinking that those are the only options available to you if you want more sleep (and if you have done any of those, you can help them heal from the experiences with Aware Parenting).

You don't need to abandon your own need for sleep, or your little one's need for closeness and attuned responding.

Aware Parenting values the needs of both parents, and babies and children.

No one needs to lose out.

Aware Parenting is a philosophy of parenting that was created by Aletha Solter, PhD. It's a form of attachment-style parenting and so understands the attachment needs of babies and children. It also supports parents to protect children from stress and trauma wherever possible. It shows how unhealed stress and trauma affect behaviour (including sleep).

Aware Parenting understands how babies and children innately strive to heal from stress and trauma through inbuilt healing responses. One of the most significant times they try to use these responses is when they're tired. With inherent wisdom, their bodies aim to release stress and trauma before sleeping, so they can feel more deeply relaxed, and thus have more restorative sleep.

Learning to practice Aware Parenting is a huge journey, given that most of the beliefs and practices are completely different to most other approaches, to core cultural beliefs, and to our own experiences growing up.

That's why I've created this course, to help this journey be clearer and easier for you, if Aware Parenting resonates for you.

Would you like to know what three things babies and children need to sleep peacefully?

Would you like to understand how true relaxation is different from dissociation, and why that's vitally important with sleep?

Do you want to understand what's really going on when babies and children are tired but don't go to sleep, and what you can do when that's happening so that they can go to sleep?

Would you love deeply understand the innate relaxation and healing response so that you can cooperate with it when your baby or child is naturally trying to feel more relaxed before sleep?

Would you love to know tangible ways to respond to your child when they get playful before bed, or if your baby or child seems to 'fight sleep'?

Do you want to understand how unhealed stress and trauma affect sleep, and how you can help your litlte one to heal from stress and trauma and sleep more restfully?

Are you interested in being able to understand what is really going on for your baby or child if they're taking a long time to go to sleep, are antsy and agitated in the evening, are wriggling in bed, are waking up more and more frequently as the night goes on, are waking up crying, or are having nightmares?

Would you like to be able to know how to observe your baby or child and what to look out for, so you can tell what they are needing and feeling, and whether they are dissociating or are truly relaxed?

In this culture, most of us are taught to help our babies and children mildly dissociate from the feelings that naturally bubble up before bed. The result is often that they are restless whilst sleeping and can wake up during light sleep because the feelings are still sitting in their body, creating agitation. Those feelings are trying to be expressed and released. The more accumulated feelings there are, such as if they have experienced birth trauma or during times of stress or developmental leaps, the more restlessness and waking that happens.

With Aware Parenting, we're working with a baby or child's innate healing and relaxation response, following their lead, and being with them whilst they laugh and play or cry and rage, so that they can heal from stress and trauma and move into a state of homeostasis, a deep experience of relaxation, which is very different to the more superficial and short-lasting experience of using mild dissociation to help them sleep.

The higher percentage of a baby or child's feelings we're able to listen to, the more deeply relaxed they'll feel, and the more restfully they'll sleep. The more relaxed they feel, the less you'll need to tiptoe around a sleeping baby, or be scared of moving them, or be concerned that your older child will be woken up by their younger sibling.

Deeply relaxed sleep is a profoundly satisfying experience.

If you want to find out more about Aware Parenting and sleep to see if this approach deeply resonates with you, I invite you to listen to the sleep series on The Aware Parenting Podcast, which starts at episode 125.

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With three main points of focus:

Understanding Aware Parenting and sleep:

Understand how sleep challenges are a reflection of your little one's needs and feelings and how sleep is the ultimate emotional and physical barometer;

Learn why they're not actually fighting sleep and don't need to be taught to sleep;

Know the three things that babies and children need to sleep peacefully.

Learn why we don't have terms such as 'wake windows', 'overtired', 'cluster feeding', 'self-settling' or 'sleep regression' in Aware Parenting and how we interpret what's going on when other paradigms are using those terms.


Tangible practices:

How to observe your little one so you can understand their feelings and needs and cooperate with their relaxation response;

How you can work out what's getting in the way of their restful sleep and make effective changes based on that understanding;

How you can practice attachment play to support easier sleep;

How you can listen to their crying and raging to help them heal from stress and trauma and feel more relaxed to sleep.


Your own journey:

Seeing how your own feelings and needs affect your spaciousness to be present with them and their feelings and needs;

Learning to listen to yourself and trust your own observations and intuitions;

Healing your past trauma and changing your cultural conditioning about sleep;

Dropping the guilt, self-judgment and comparison.


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Welcome and Course tour!

Connecting in with you

Reducing physiological stresses

Safe co-sleeping guidelines

You are the researcher

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MODULE ONE: General Principles of Aware Parenting and sleep

1.1 Aware Parenting is the third way with sleep

1.2. Aware Parenting and our evolutionary origins

1.3 The three things needed for sound sleep

1.4 Cultural conditioning and our own de-conditioning process

1.5 The physiology of sleep

1.6 Our own history and relationship with sleep

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MODULE TWO: Babies and Sleep

2.1 The three things required for sleep and what that means for you in practical terms

2.2 Translating mainstream sleep terminology into Aware Parenting

2.3 Observing, trusting and collaborating with babies

2.4 The actual process of crying in arms before sleep

2.5. Releasing stress before sleep at different ages

2.6 Feeding and sleeping

2.7 Your own inner work

2.8 Sleep support steps

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MODULE THREE: Children and sleep

3.1 The three things required for sleep and what that means for you in practical terms

3.2 Playing before sleep

3.3 Asking for lots of things before bed

3.4 Distracting themselves before bed

3.5 You distracting them before bed

3.6 Your own inner work

3.7. Sleep support steps

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MODULE FOUR: Quick theory summaries

Aware Parenting is the third way with sleep

The three things needed for sound sleep

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MODULE FIVE: Pre-bedtime reminders and support for you

The sleep steps for babies

The sleep steps for children

Before listening to crying in arms

Before being with the crying dance

Before attachment play

Before attachment play and loving limits with dissociation or repression

Before loving limits with throwing, pushing, roughness, hitting, etc.

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MODULE SIX: Quick attachment play empathy, ideas and encouragement

Power-reversal games

Separation games

Contingency play

Nonsense play

Toothbrushing games

Putting on pyjamas games

Bedtime games

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MODULE SEVEN: Post-bedtime compassion for you

Acknowledging and appreciating you and welcoming all your feelings

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MODULE EIGHT: Your own pre-sleep meditation

This is a meditation for you to listen to for supporting your restful sleep!

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Babies Q & As

Where they're sleeping

Going to sleep

Sleep and breastfeeding

Crying in arms

Waking up in the night

Waking early


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Children Q&As

Where they're sleeping

Going to sleep

Sleep and play

Sleep and loving limits

Crying and raging

Waking up in the night

Waking up early

Moving to their own bed

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Zoom call recordings

Recordings of the Zoom calls from live rounds.

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Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting Workshop slides

The workshop material overlaps the course material but is more concise and has less information than the course.

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Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting Course 1.0

The course I made in 2016, which focusses on observing your baby or child and tending to your own needs.


All of the following:

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Modules in video, audio and PDF transcript versions.

Pre-recorded videos/audios

Length ranges from 2 minutes to 93 minutes each

Choose which format you prefer!

10 hours of pre-recorded material (including the quick reminders and not including Q & As, Zoom call recordings, FB live answers or the 1.0 course).

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Audios and transcripts to support you before bedtimes.

Quick theory summaries

Pre-bedtime reminders and support for you

Quick attachment play empathy, ideas and encouragement

Acknowledging and appreciating you and welcoming all your feelings

Your own pre-sleep meditation

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There are weekly Zoom calls.

Connect with others in the community

Share your experiences and feelings

Ask more detailed questions about your own situation

Recordings available on the course site afterwards

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Ask your questions in the FB group at any time during a live round and I will make individual FB live responses for you. There's also a welcome FB live and a closing FB live!

Ask questions and receive tailored and specific answers

These will be available afterwards as replays in the FB group and on the course site in the Q & A module.

Feel part of a community of like-minded parents and find an empathy buddy or two there!

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Yes, you are welcome to stay and deepen your connections with the other participants!

Return to the course material

Join in with the live elements

Deepen your practice

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You also get the 1.0 version of the course, which I made in 2016, which includes video, audio, PDFs and Evernotes.

6 hours of pre-recorded material

5 hours of FB live recordings

The course invites you to focus on observing your baby or child

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Whatever you've done in the past with your baby or child, I'll be inviting you to put down any guilt sticks. It's never too late to start practicing Aware Parenting or to deepen your practice.

I trust you and your timing!

I won't be telling you that you 'should' or 'shouldn't' do anything.

I'll keep inviting you to connect in with yourself and with what resonates for you.

I'll also invite you to clearly observe your little one, to see any changes happening.

Please go at your own pace and pause whenever you're called to.

This work is powerful, and I'll be inviting you to reach out for support.


I have completed your sleep course (as I was struggling with my then 16 month old) and it honestly was the best thing I have ever done!! .. and now I cannot keep my mouth shut about it!


Last week, my almost 11 month old baby slept through the night for the first time ever! He slept from 9pm to 6 am, then woke for a feed and actually fell back asleep until 9!

He repeated that the next day and since then has, with the exception of one night only been waking once, between 5:20 and 6.

I didn't think I would ever see this day, certainly not when we started this course at the beginning of this young year.

Just 4 weeks ago he was waking 4+ times at night, often as much as 3 times before we went to bed.


I'm just about to start week 4, and I can't even believe the dramatic shift we've seen. It's been incredibly empowering for both myself and my husband.

She falls asleep like a dream now, and doesn't even look to nurse!

We've also identified some other more subtle control patterns - the biggest one being her "busy personality", where she moves from toy to toy to toy, so when we start seeing that we bring her into our arms for a release.

We also put away all toys about an hour before bed, and make playtime be with with us, preferably high-octane!


I feel that I can endlessly get inspired by you. And although it's hard to find the time to do your courses, if I do, I get so much back from it.

Like the Sleep course that I'm involved in right now.

After I got an insight in part one and a confirmation that I'm on the right path, I could deepen my presence and awareness, and..... that night my daughter slept without waking up for the FIRST time!!!!! So happy!


We took the sound sleep course 4 months ago and it has made such a difference! Before bedtime was a struggle and my son (2.5 at the time) was 'fighting sleep' the way I saw it. But now after the course, I have changed my approach and bedtime is almost never a problem and he goes to sleep peacefully.


We are loving the sleep course ! Thanks Marion for all your insight! So much gratitude to be learning this now.

We have noticed a huge improvement in our 16 month old's sleep... we have gone from up to 4 wake ups between 6pm-12am to NONE.... first boobie and wakeup about midnight now! HALLELUJAH and we breastfeed again about 3am....

ONE WEEK AGO it was up to 10 times per night. NOW just 2.

It's been a lot of hard work in the day but GOSH it is worth it for the evening freedom! Everyone is happier.


Four years on from doing the course I'm still so appreciative of it and everything we learnt.

I was just reflecting last night as my two year old fell asleep how grateful I am for this approach and understanding.

She worked through the hurts of the day - the balloons popping at the party, Daddy picking her up and carrying her across the kitchen rather than Mummy etc, crying about them one by one, telling me while I listened lovingly and then she said "sleepy now" and happily fell asleep (and slept all night!).

Initially the course was a life saver with a five month old waking up 7+ times a night.

Within a few months we were all getting more sleep but more than that it has totally changed our parenting approach and Aware Parenting has been such a blessing.

It's a radical thing that could change the world!

But it's also a really practical tool for being happier as a family and feeling more connected every day.

I'm still so grateful for the lessons I learnt on this course and through your work Marion and we have so much fun at bedtime.

When there's squealing laughter and silly games as we put on PJs and brush teeth I'm so glad that I don't share the cultural belief that we have to get children to "wind down" at bedtime!

That would be like trying to squeeze an octopus into a tupperware box...fighting their nature!

But with rough and tumble, laughter and tears if they need them bedtimes are much more relaxing for all of us.

Sometimes I forget and find myself moving towards old patterns and then I have to give myself a little refresher...I especially turn to The Aware Parenting Podcast which re-ignites my understanding and connecting and for which I'm so grateful too!

Basically thanks you wonder woman for all that you do.


We are getting full night's sleep for now Marion, from 7:30ish to 6ish. Thank you.


My 1 year old's sleep has gone from waking every 1 to 2 hours to sleeping from 7pm until 5am, then I feed him and he sleeps on until half 7.

This doesn't happen every night and is disrupted if we are away from home but huge improvement.


Hi!! I’m continuing to be hopeful for the changes that seem to be happening as I follow Aware Parenting with my 15 month old.

She has gone from breastfeeding back to sleep ALL NIGHT LONG (from anywhere from 20mins to 2hrs between feeds) to being able to fall asleep without being fed.

I’ve stopped feeding her to sleep for any naps/ sleeps.

I never would have believed it is possible.

Last night she went from about 9pm - 4am before I fed her.


Hi Marion, Just wanted to send you a little message to say that I am LOVING the Sound Sleep course so far! Where have you been?!

I am so lucky to have found you and your work!

Your words and inspiration and ideas and explanations are what I have been searching for for the last 2 years!!! I love this!!


I just finished this week's material and I have no words that describe how right it all feels.

Thank you Marion for articulating so well what feels so natural but has been hidden from us by the society we live in.

Thank you for offering your guidance and wisdom so that we may come back to valuing ourselves and therefore valuing others. That we might truly see ourselves so that we may truly see our children.


Since starting the course, my son's sleep has definitely improved, He is waking less during the night, and the nights he wakes more frequently, I can be aware that I was tired, and may not have been able to fully connect and listen to the full release that he needed. We just pick it put he next day...

Parenting really is a spiritual journey for me, and I welcome the depth of both inner knowledge and love that come with it.


The sleeping of my baby (14 months) goes so much better: he sleeps through the night. This means more energy for us, so finally the moment to pick up on my life…

As for my daughter (5 years old) … her hyperactivity during the day (which made her a handful kind of kid)... it is gone!!!! She doesn't need to twirl all the time, is less agitated. She really needed a lot of roughhousing. But now, she likes it but the need is gone.

And she says; Oh I love you (to all of us) a lot, which makes me think that her inner energies are flowing. It is such a joy to see my daughter much calmer and more grounded.

We did a lot of Aware Parenting work with her the last two years, and this was really a last subtle' intervention' which made such a difference.

As for me: my feelings of guilt keep eroding. I am such a happy mom at the moment! my energies are flowing freely too.

I notice that I can choose for joy more often. And even patterns of feeling unworthy and unlovable are changing.

And yesterday night something great happened: my 14 month old gave me a few huge, a big smile. Looked me in the eye communicating' I am totally fine I love you', turned his head around and went to sleep!


In order to really listen your child, we need to really listen to ourselves.

Wow, wow, wow! What a gift this reminder is dear Marion Rose!?!! I loved your mini-audio to tears!

Thank you for this beautiful week 1 (of the Sound Sleep Course)

I think my biggest success has been by honing and deepening my understanding of the concepts of release, relaxation, and connection.

I would get so frustrated and at times angry with myself and my daughter trying to "get" her to nap. I thought that she was just "refusing" to nap.

Obviously as a new mom, I just didn't understand her needs. As I started taking Marion's courses, I understood that the releases, whether they were through crying or through wanting to play were essential to my daughter's relaxation...which as I embraced her wanting to play (on my lap in her darkened nursery) and laugh a little in my arms, helped to get more connected...

which helped us BOTH relax...which then led to her sleepiness for a nap! It is like MAGIC! xx


We had a major success last night! My daughter slept from 9 pm to 5:15am!!

This has never happened. (I did end up nursing her around 5:45 and then she fell into another deep, non-nursing sleep until 8.)

Prior to me reading about and starting to implement Aware Parenting, she had only slept 5 hours at a time once or twice and 4 hours at a time a handful of times.

Most nights, her first wake up would be after 2 or 3 hours, and then would be every hour or two for the rest of the night. So, yay! We are making huge progress. I am so happy that I found your course, Marion Rose. It is really changing things for us.

Yesterday, she had a couple of good cries and we really did a lot of play too. In the evening, lots of high octane play. And today, after her good sleep, she was in the best mood pretty much all day.

She wasn't clingy at all like she can tend to be, but I still made sure to give her a lot of attention and focused play.

I have always spent a lot of time with her, but I'm seeing now that the type of focus I give her really matters. When I really focus on her and make the effort to make her laugh as much as I can, she actually goes off and plays by herself!

And bedtime now is actually enjoyable and special time instead of me feeling resentful about how long she takes to nurse to sleep.

You've changed my perspective about bedtime, so instead of thinking that I need to calm her down and getting frustrated that it's not working, I'm following her lead and really loving the bedtime chit chat that's happening.

It's so sweet to get this glimpse into what she's thinking about while we're snuggling and giggling in the dark.

One of the best parts is that it takes her less time to fall asleep now than it did with her nursing to sleep every night. Thank you!!

I've only listened to week 1 so far. Can't wait to hear the rest now. I'm just really excited!


I really always felt that you’re either in the sleep training camp or in the feed to sleep until they grow out of it camp (where I was). I can’t believe there has been a third camp all along, built on absolute love and nurture.




and I love Aware Parenting!

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I've been learning about babies and children for 36 years now (as of 2023), and am as passionate about it as ever!

I first learnt to clearly observe babies and children when I was doing my psychology degree, and then when I was doing my Ph.D. at Cambridge University in 1992.

I visited mothers and babies and and videoed them feeding and playing.

When I got back to the Winnicott Research Unit, I spent hours watching each video millisecond by millisecond.

Later, as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Exeter University, I did lots more observing babies to find out how much babies understand.

I also trained and worked as a psychotherapist for many years, where I learnt about and how what happens to babies and children affects them in later life.

When I became a parent in 2002, I wanted to practice Aware Parenting.

Yet, desipite years of training in observing babies, despite knowing how to listen to the feelings of adults as a psychotherapist, and despite 10 years of weekly psychotherapy, rebirthing and other healing of my own infancy and childhood,

I still found it hard to listen to my daughter's feelings at first.

Over time, I became more comfortable with listening to her feelings.

I realised that I was using what I had learnt in all those years observing babies.

So, when I held her in my arms in the evening, after she had recently been fed, and listened to her cry in my loving arms, I would then observe her after the cry.

She would gaze into my eyes with complete presence.

Her muscles would be relaxed.

Her body would mould into mine.

She would smile more.

She would be calm as she slept.

She would sleep for longer periods.

I compared this to how she was if I had kept trying to distract her from her feelings all evening. On those occasions, she would avoid eye contact. Her muscles would be tense. She would be agitated. She would push away from contact. She wouldn't smile much. She would be more restless in her sleep, and she wouldn't sleep for as long.

It was only through observing the differences in her that met my need for reassurance that listening to her crying in my arms once all her needs were met was meeting deep needs for release and healing for her.

And what I love about Aware Parenting is that the proof really is in the pudding. We really can only get reassurance that listening to our baby or child's feelings is helping them feel more deeply relaxed by observing them.

I used these principles and practices when my daughter was 8 to 9 months old to help her sleep through the night.

And I saw, as she got older, how listening to her feelings helped her to sleep easily and peacefully, be present, make eye contact, cooperate, concentrate for long periods of time, and be present and gentle with other children and adults, animals, and belongings.

When my son was born four and a half years after my daughter, I had a whole lot more experience, knowledge and understanding of Aware Parenting.

I was an Aware Parenting Instructor by then, and had listened to my daughter's feelings for four years.

I had helped and supported other parents listen to their babies and children.

And I had clearly seen the difference when children were given the opportunity to express their uncomfortable feelings with loving support.

So, I was much clearer in my understanding of what to look for, and what to observe, when my son was a baby.

Even if we are listening to some feelings, whatever percentage of feelings we are not listening to, our babies and children need to do something with those pent-up feelings - usually in the form of mild dissocatiation.

The effects of these accumulated feelings and unexpressed stress and tension will show in behaviours such as taking a long time to go to sleep, being restless in their sleep, waking up frequently, waking up more and more often, and waking up early. And in the daytime, avoiding eye contact, not smiling much, not being willing to explore new things, not concentrating for long, agitation, pushing, and hitting.

So I knew that I wanted to listen to a higher percentage of my son's feelings than I had done with my daughter.

I was able to listen to more of my son's feelings. I'd learnt to observe and understand more.

That was a process that took years.

I've also been supporting parents with Aware Parenting and sleep since becoming an Aware Parenting instructor in 2005.

I love sharing what I've learnt in my own experience as both a mother and Aware Parenting instructor with you so it won't take you years to deeply understand your baby or child and how to help them release stress and heal from trauma, and feel deeply relaxed in their body!

I am passionate about compassion.

I help parents with whatever their own unique next steps are.

I don't have any 'shoulds' about Aware Parenting.

I will never tell you that you have to do something, or that you're doing something wrong. I don't believe in shoulding people, or judging people.

My passion is to help parents understand themselves and their feelings, thoughts, and needs more, so that you can understand your baby and child's feelings and needs more.

I will be inviting you over and over again to listen in to yourself and what resonates with you, and to be observing your baby or child. It's those two which will help you most profoundly with Aware Parenting and sleep.

I love to offer what I have learnt from my trainings before I became a parent, and in my parenting journey, to help you listen to yourself more, so that you can listen to your baby or child even more than you are already doing!

Creating this course in 2023, this is the distillation of:

21 years of practicing Aware Parenting;

18 years of being an Aware Parenting Instructor and Mentor;

17 years of creating Aware Parenting workshops;

9 years of creating online courses about Aware Parenting,

9 years of mentoring people to become Aware Parenting instructors;

8 years of offering my Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course;

Several years of being a Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor;

Being the regional coordinator for Australia and New Zealand.

Are you longing to really understand what's affecting your baby or child's sleep and how to help them feel deeply relaxed in their body so that they can sleep peacefully and restoratively through helping them heal from stress and trauma? This course is here to help.

Do I need to come to any of the Zoom calls or FB lives?

No! They will all be available afterwards as replays

How can I ask you questions in the course?

In live rounds, you can come and leave your question in the FB group and I will respond with a FB live response, or a written response if you prefer. You're also so welcome to come to the Zoom calls to ask questions there. Outside of live rounds, I will respond to your questions in written form in the FB group.

Do I need to do all of the modules?

No, you don't. I so support you in listening deeply to yourself and choosing what you do.

What if I have other questions?

Please email me or message me on social media and I'd love to respond!

Do I need to already know what Aware Parenting is?

Yes! So you can know if it resonates with you, particularly the concept of listening to the feelings of babies and children before sleep. You can listen to the sleep series of The Aware Parenting Podcast if you want to see if it does resonate.

I'm already familiar with Aware Parenting, Will this course help?

This course focuses on Aware Parenting and sleep, so if you would like to deepen your understanding and practice in relation to sleep, yes!

I don't agree with some aspects of Aware Parenting. Is this course still suitable for me?

No. This is for people who resonate with all the elements of Aware Parenting. I trust that you'll find an approach that deeply resonates with you.

Can you promise that my baby or child will sleep more if I do this course?

No, but I do believe that you will understand them much more and will help them heal from stress and trauma and feel more relaxed. And I have seen many parents experience profound shifts in their baby or child's sleep through practicing Aware Parenting!

Do I need to complete the course within a certain time frame?

No, you get life time access to it for as long as it exists!

Will I have to co-sleep / stop breastfeeding to sleep / etc?

There are no have-to's in this course. I'll be giving you information about how to help babies and children sleep more peacefully and invite you to do what you feel called to do when you take in that information.

What ages is this a fit for?

0-8 years.

Dates and times of the FB live and Zoom Calls

(all in Sydney time):

You can ask questions at any time during the live rounds and I will make a FB live uniquely for you, which will then be available as a recording in the FB group and on the course site.

The Zoom calls will also be avaialable afterwards as recordings on the course site.

Week 1

Welcome FB live: Saturday 3rd June 1pm Sydney time

Zoom Call 1: Sat 3rd June 2pm - 3.30pm Sydney

Week 2

Zoom Call 2: Sat 10th June 3pm - 4.30 Sydney

Week 3

Zoom Call 3: Sat 17th June 1pm - 2.30 Sydney

Week 4

Zoom Call 4: Sat 24th June 4pm - 5.30 Sydney

Week 5

Zoom Call 5: Sat 1st July 1pm - 2.30 Sydney

Week 6

Zoom Call 6: Sat 8th July 3pm - 4.30 Sydney

Week 7

Zoom Call 7: Sat 15th July 4pm - 5.30 Sydney

Week 8

Zoom Call 8: Sat 22nd July 2pm - 3.30 Sydney

Closing FB live: Saturday 29th July 1pm Sydney time


The Course is AUD$555 or you can pay in instalments through the payment systems in Samcart.

There will be 20 concession places available for each live round.

Let me know if you'd like one of them!


The upgrade is an additional payment to the course.

4 x fortnightly sessions are AUD$1000

8 x weekly sessions are AUD$2000

8 x weekly sessions and Voxer is $2960

limited places available

the payment is in addition to the course payment

message me for details

payment plan available



Billing Address

Coupon Code

[[coupon_message.text]] [[cart_coupon.text]]

Payment Methods

PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

Order Summary

[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.subtotal | currency]]
[[ | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.shipping | currency]]
-[[ | currency]]
[[ | currency]]