You’ll learn how this paradigm is fundamentally different to the behaviourist paradigm of parenting, and why that difference is so important.
I explain how every child’s true nature is love, how you can help them stay connected with their true loving nature, and why that has such a profound effect on both their everyday behaviour and also their adult lives.
I’ll share how we can help our children stay deeply connected with their lovingness and never need to resort to old-fashioned parenting practices such as punishments, rewards, shame, blame or coercion.
I’ll talk about what gets in the way of our children being loving, why they act in ways that aren’t loving at times, and how we can help them return to their true loving nature without any of those old-fashioned parenting strategies!
I’ll explain how a child’s true nature is willingness, how you can foster their willingness in childhood, and why that has such a profound effect on how much Life is free to support them in following their soul’s calling as adults.
You'll learn about the two things children need to help them stay connected with their true willingness.
I’ll explain what’s really going on with a child’s willingness channel when they’re hitting, biting, throwing, pushing, being ‘wilful’, and not cooperating, and how to help them stop in empathic and effective ways.
You’ll discover how tantrums free up the willingness channel and the willingness to cooperate.
I'll talk about why as parents we sometimes don't feel loving and how can we help ourselves reconnect with our lovingness.
You'll hear about why parents sometimes get tempted to use power-over our children and how can we help ourselves reconnect with our willingness.
100 minutes of audio or video which explains what Psychospiritual Parenting is, and how to help your child connected with their true lovingness and willingness.