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The Aware Parenting Babies Course, with Marion Rose, PhD and Helena Mooney

More than 80 concise modules in audio/video/PDF format so you can choose which suits you!

Understand crying-in-arms so that you can understand your baby and help them feel a deep sense of connection, calm presence, and peaceful sleep.

Modules include:

About Aware Parenting

Quick Resources


Crying and hunger

What happened for you and your baby in the past?

You and your feelings

Uncomfortable feelings accumulate


Practicalities (eg. swaddling, crying in the sling or car seat, crying with dad or other parent, travelling with a baby)

Attachment play and loving limits

Our conversations (eg. how long can babies cry for, and does birth really have an effect on babies?)

Bonuses from Helena


“Joining the Babies Course answered many of my questions in the first 20 minutes of reading… Thankyou again for the Babies course. I am much more clear now as to why things were feeling so intense for us."

~ Erin

"The Aware Parenting Babies course has been so very helpful - a complete positive paradigm shift to the way we parent."

~ Felicity

"Just wanted to let you know that with the Aware Parenting Babies course, Aware Parenting is doing lots of miracles and beautiful healing in our family. I truly love this approach; it is bringing so much more harmony into our family."

~ Veronika

"The Aware Parenting Babies course changed my life. It opened my eyes to a new way of connecting with my baby, myself and everyone around me. I was in a desperate place, a walking zombie as my son woke every hour at 6 months. I didn’t want to let him cry but neither dummy nor boob nor anything else I tried was helping. A friend recommended the Aware Parenting Babies course. And I learned that sleep is just a symptom. I started the course because of sleep and continued it because it changed the way I saw my baby’s emotions. I connected more with him, I enjoyed him more, I connected more with myself and my partner and yes, better sleep followed pretty quickly."

~ Caroline

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